Let's Talk About LinkdIn!


Let's talk about LinkdIn!

If you are anyone trying to do anything in the professional world this social media platform will be beneficial to you. Whether you are fresh out of college hoping to get into a professional role, a new business owner, or even well-seasoned professional this site will assist you to connect and communicate with others.  You are given the opportunity to connect (follow) businesses, other individuals, and even other general interests you have. By following and creating a connection with these pages you are given the feature to see what they post and scroll through similar media sites that you may be familiar with. Another feature that LinkdIn has is the recommendation of job postings that are in your general location and appeal to your interests.  

Similar to Facebook individuals use LinkdIn to build profiles to represent themselves as professionals, like a resume. Your profile would most likely share your name, education, experience, with the opportunity to share a personal summary about what you are hoping to accomplish.  There is even a section available to attach a resume for when an employer is interested in the profile being presented.  

LinkdIn is the 3rd best networking site in the world. With the easily understood framework built similar to Facebook anyone is capable to use this site. LinkdIn was originally built in 2002 with the mission to "connect the worlds professionals to make them more productive and successful" and they have done that. If you wish to explore and grow in the professional world creating a profile for free would be an amazing first step. 
